Pastor Dwight E. Rodgers, Sr. is a native of Dallas, Texas. He is a graduate of South Oak Cliff High School, and he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from the Kentucky State University in Frankfort, Kentucky in 1995. Pastor Rodgers answered his call to ministry on June 3, 1998, at the Warren Avenue Christian Church in Dallas. He served as Associate Minister, Ministry Facilitator and Assistant to the Pastor at Bonnie View Christian Church in Dallas from 2004-2011.
Pastor Rodgers graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2012 with a Master of Theology degree in Pastoral Leadership, Theology and Practice. In April 2011, Pastor Rodgers was called to serve at the Shady Grove Christian Church in Cason, TX where he faithfully served for almost 9½ years. He was ordained to the Order of Christian Ministry by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Southwest Region in September 2012. He is a 4th generation Disciple.
He is married to the lovely Tatum Hayes Rodgers, and they have three children: Naomi, Dwight II, and Ethan Rodgers.
Associate Pastor
Rev. Vernon Jackson
Vernon Charles Jackson is a gifted Bible lecturer, church leadership developer, and workshop presenter. He has been a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for over 40 years. He became actively involved in church reform and revitalization early in his ministry, and continues to work in this area with pastors and leaders of the church throughout the Texas Christian Missionary Fellowship. His service and involvement in the Christian Church includes serving as president, vice president, and director of the presbytery of the Texas Christian Missionary Fellowship, from which he retired after 28 years of service.
Before his retirement in 2003, Rev. Jackson served as the Senior Pastor of New Fellowship Christian Church in the biblical city of Palestine, Texas. Rev. Jackson has received many awards for outstanding service to the church and the community. He is also the author of three unpublished book manuscripts entitled “Thy Neighbor As Thyself”, “The Lord’s Question … My Answer”, and “Deacons …Organized to be Servant Models”. A native of Louisiana, Rev. Jackson resides in Dallas with his wife, Gloria.
Associate Minister
Sherley Walker
Minister Sherley Collier-Walker has 30+ years of experience in Early Childhood Education in inner city private schools and childcare settings, including eight years as Lead Classroom Teacher with children 3-6+ years old and nine years as Director of the Creative Learning Center (Talented & Gifted School for low income students). Her education and training includes teacher certification from both the American Montessori Society (AMS) and the Association Montessori International (AMI).
As a retiree, Sherley pursues a wide range of personal and community interests. She has been a member of Bonnie View for over 30 years. Minister Walker has served on many committees, taught Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, led Bible study, and been a choir member. She has held office in the North Texas Area Disciples Women's Ministry, and currently serves as Chaplain for the Bonnie View Disciples Women's Ministry. She has been a presenter for the NTA/TBA Leadership Events, Disciples Women's Retreat at Athens, and Texas Christian Missionary Fellowship at Jarvis Christian College. She completed her Licensed Ministry Training in 2005 and is a Commissioned Minister with Standing in the Christian Church (DOC) in the Southwest.
Director of Music
Simone Jackson
Simone is a native Dallasite who accepted Christ and began her faith journey at Bonnie View as a child. She began singing at a very young age, and sang in all choirs, from children's to adult. Her singing gift allowed her to attend Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, where she won a national award for vocal jazz, and performed locally with some of Dallas' best jazz and gospel musicians. After years of music leadership at Bonnie View, Simone now serves as the Director of Music.
Gloria Jackson
Gloria Jean Jackson began playing piano at Bonnie View Christian Church at the age of 14. She is still gracing us with her talent on the ebony and ivory keys. She attended Jarvis Christian College and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education. She participated in graduate study programs at Southern Methodist University (SMU), North Texas State University, and Prairie View A&M University. She became a teacher and taught at Sequoyah Middle School and Edison Environmental Science Academy. She taught for 35 years and retired in 2000.
In 1965, she married Vernon Jackson. She has three children: Monique Durham, Stephen Jackson, and Simone Jackson. She grew up in Boll Street Christian Church, which later became Warren Avenue Christian Church. She transferred her membership to Bonnie View Christian Church when her mother married the late Rev. R.L. Sercy. Rev. Sercy founded East Side Christian Church, which would later become Bonnie View Christian Church.
Her love for Christ is evident in her diligence and dedication to her church family. She epitomizes the traits of a Christian woman and servant. We can never pay her enough for her time and talents, but we want to say thank you for all the years of service she has given to the ministries here at Bonnie View.
General Secretary
Deborah Traylor
Sis. Deborah Royal Traylor has served as General Secretary of Bonnie View Christian Church since June 1983. She has been privileged to serve under six pastors: Rev. M. L. Fountain, Dr. Claude Walker, Rev. Gilbert Guidry, Rev. Dwayne Rodgers, Rev. Alfred M. Walker, and Rev. Dwight Rodgers. She was born in Dallas; however, her childhood was spent in the Piney Woods of East Texas in Daingerfield.
She has been a member of Bonnie View since 1978. In addition to serving as General Secretary, Sis. Traylor is active in several ministries. She is grateful for all the gifts that God has given her, and delights in using them for His glory.
Geline (Jeannie) Walker
Sis. Jeannie Walker serves as Custodian of Bonnie View Christian Church. She has served Bonnie View faithfully since 2006. Jeannie is a long-time member with a family that has deep roots in Bonnie View. Sis. Walker has a cheerful, giving spirit, and she takes great pride in keeping her church clean and beautiful in appearance. Because of her love for her church and the pride she has in doing her job well, she often goes beyond what her job duties entail. Sis. Walker is active within her church and presently serves on several ministries. She has answered the call to evangelism, and realizes the importance of seeking the unsaved and lost.